Monday, August 12, 2013

Things I'm Loving...

1. Yoga. Seriously, I have yet to find a physical fitness routine that leaves me with as good a feeling as yoga does. I love that it provides stress relief and physical exercise at the same time; it can be as rigorous or as calming as you want it to be. I've been starting my mornings with this routine. It wakes me up and gives me an immediate energy boost! Another routine I love is this stress relief and detox routine for something a little more toning and physical.

If you need a good laugh, read this article by comedian Kelly MacLean about her experiences with "hot yoga" (it's literally as it sounds... a bunch of people doing yoga in a hot room...). It's a good reminder to not take yourself too seriously!

2. Schar Honeygrams. Ever since I went gluten-free, I have been on a mad hunt for good cookies and crackers. I'm glad to announce that I have accomplished one half of that goal. I picked these up on a whim at Piggly Wiggly on my way to a bonfire at my friends house. Lucky find, I guess! As the box suggests, I'll definitely be using these for pie crusts, too.

3. Simply Grapefruit juice. I'm letting you in on another morning routine of mine. For me, nothing knocks away an oncoming cold like having a nice, chilled glass of this stuff every morning.

4. Pangea Organics Facial Scrub. I really love facial scrubs, but I have sensitive skin, so if it's even a tad too grainy, I break out. Pangea Organic's scrubs are the perfect amount for me: just the right amount of grain. I use their Egytpian geranium with adzuki bean and cranberry scrub. Not only is the texture great, but the smell is very therapeutic as well! Another plus is that their products are free of sulfates, petroleum, and synthetic preservatives.

What are you loving these days??

Edit: I've linked up with Katie Did What? today!


  1. I seriously love everything on this list! I am going to have to try that scrub as I have super sensitive skin as well!

    xx Kait

  2. I like that grapefruit juice as well. Sometimes, you need something different than orange or apple juice in the mornings.

  3. Katie Michelle ReyesAugust 18, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    I looooove yoga!! Seriously, I need to get into the habit of doing it more often. I try to do it once a week, usually every Sunday. It's a nice way to unwind, but also to get ready for the following week. Love it, love it. Thos Honeygrahams looks so yummy, I'm not GF but I want to try them anyway! ;)

    Thanks for linking up with me!!


  4. I agree! It tastes so fresh and it's got just a hint of sweetness, which is perfect for the morning :-)

  5. I've really been trying to be consistent with it. It always makes me feel so awake and ready to start my day! Thanks for the link up! You have a great blog! :)


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