Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Week in My Life: Week 13

Strawberries have always been synonymous with Spring for me. I finally found delicious gluten-free granola that I've been eating non-stop, too! 

Yes there are two bottles of wine in this photo. I was making mealoaf and, I promise, it was not your grandmother's meatloaf. It was probably the best thing ever. 

I'm so thankful for gluten-free pasta. This Ancient Harvest Quinoa brand is the best if you are or are considering going gluten-free.

There's a kitty in my cupboard!

I've been drinking hot water and lemon just about every morning. It's become the perfect kick-start for my day.

Again, I'm acutely aware of the fact that all my photos are food related... I eat a lot. I made these earlier this week! 

Meal planning...

The inside of a Moroccan bowl that Luis bought me for my birthday. 

I'm propagating basil and another plant in my kitchen. 

Raspberries, goat cheese, and honey... get in mah' belly! 

That particular basil plant has since died... My succulent, however, loves the light in my apartment. 

Editing and working. 

This is what late March looks like in Northeastern Illinois. We live right along Lake Michigan, so we decided to go for a walk at the Marina. To be fair, it was sunny when we left and within the 5 minutes it took us to get to the marina, it had clouded over. Luis later got a cold... I blame myself.
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