Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Special: I Love Lists

I haven't done one of these in a really long time, but I'm happy to bring them back! 

1. This is an older post, but really good: food photography trends that need to go. Noted!
3. Some of these healthy soda recipes sound delightful.
4. I'm obsessed with this fabulous geometric font. Plus, it's free!
5. This little DIY facial mask has gotten some great feedback. I'm looking forward to trying it out myself.
6. I'm probably too young to start thinking about eye creams and anti-aging products, but I am tempted to start trying some.
7. Pinterest has the capability to bring out the perfection in all of us.. or does it? SO funny.
8. Not gonna lie, Joe Biden was a very handsome young man... also, Rachel Maddow wins for biggest shocker!
9. Umm whoa. Foodie perfection: cilantro and ginger hummus.
10. I recently found my go-to shade of lipstick, but this lipstick guide made me want to branch out! I took Emily's advice and bought a coral lip shade!


  1. I totally love that list of food photography no-nos! It definitely helped me out when I first got my new camera!

  2. Love the food photography trends that need to go. Glad I don't do any of the things on the list LOL

  3. Definitely wanting to get that coral lip color too! Pretty much all of those shades now that we are at it!
    xo TJ


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