Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Week in My Life: Week 22

Here's what my past week looked like:

My amazing mother-in-law gave me a box of Bingley's Tea, which is a tea company that makes Jane Austen inspired tea! The particular flavor that I was given is called Miss Elizabeth, and it's "a strong blakc tea with sassy, smart cranberry, rounded with sweet flavoring and flowers of opinion." Awesome.

Enjoying a cup of said tea. SO delicious!

I've had to spend so much extra time on campus this week because of a massive project I had to complete on Tuesday. This is a view of the student union and sports center.

I see this every day as I walk to class- Lincoln doing his thing.

This week has been rather cold and rainy, so I made a warm apple pie drink. I boiled apple cider with 2 cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and let it steep for a half hour. If you want, you can add a touch of spiced rum, and top with whipped cream. Amazing. 

Porzia has taken a liking to being in our linen cabinet... Not sure how she gets up there so easily. 

I finally received my October Birchbox. It came a little late this month, but no matter. Note to self: Those Luna bars are AMAZING. Will definitely be buying some in the future. 

Rice and beans... mmm. 

Thank you, Pinterest, for yet another cookie recipe. I made pumpkin toffee cookies with caramel drizzle.

Reading at the laundromat.

A sample of what I'm reading at the moment. By the way, "My Berlin Kitchen" is amazing. 

Made a delicious panini which you can find more about here.

Obligatory blogger shoe shot. 

Have a great week!

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