Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Special: I Love Lists!

I really went link-crazy this week. I couldn't help it! I just kept finding stuff that I had to share with you!

1. The EveryGirl wrote an amazing article about one of my favorite bloggers!
2. Need inspiration? I know I do!
3. Not gonna lie, this closet management app is pretty awesome... 
4. I love the transformation of this room! Makes me want to completely renovate my apartment...
5. I made Panzanella for Luis once... he didn't like it, but I just may have to try this version!
6. For all you Hunger Games fans, there are some major Finnick rumors afloat!
7. EW!
8. I  WILL do this in my home one day!
9. I bought these Photoshop actions this week. LOVE THEM.
10. Big girl Rootbeer Floats! (Scroll all the way down for the recipe).
11. I got me a ton of these...
12. Um... I about lost it when I saw this recipe on Pinterest. YES.
13. SO CUTE!! I want this for my kitty!

Wishing you all an amazing week! xoxo

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