Monday, February 25, 2013

A Week in My Life: Week 8

I have been kind of M.I.A. on this blog lately. But never fear, I'm back and ready to go.
Here's what the past week looked like:

Obsessing over the pattern of our new IKEA pillow. 

I made my first batch of gluten-free cornbread!

I hope I can find the time to explore some more gluten-free recipes this week.  

Where there is one, the other is sure to be close by... Can you spot the second?

Knocked out by her antibiotics... she's been one sick animal. 

Red frames really cheer me up. So do the photos inside. 

Fried platanos (plantains): the epitome of deliciousness. 

In other food news, these g-free waffles were amazing! I just happened to see them out of the corner of my eye because they weren't with the rest of the gluten-free items at the grocery store. 

New issue of bon appetit and a hearty dinner of buttermilk garlic mashed 'taters, roast chicken and mushrooms sauteed in red wine. 

Working girl. 

Luis and I flew to St. Petersburg, Florida, for the wedding of his best friend. I had some pistachio gelato while waiting for our flight at 9 am... It was worth it. 

 We stayed in a beautiful apartment building while in Florida. I could have gotten used to that!

 I kept seeing these beautiful flowers everywhere.

Relaxing during some down-time. 

I would really love to go back and have more time to explore this place. I love antique theaters. 

 Crappy cell-phone picture of the St. Petersburg marina from their Yacht Club.

I love this photo. It's a view looking into the street from inside the open hallways of the apartment building.

 photo courtesy of Tricia Fog
Cocktail party during the wedding. I'm always taller than him in my heels. 

 photo courtesy of Tricia Fog

Slow dancing...

 photo courtesy of Tricia Fog

Fast dancing! Needless to say, it was a great week!
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