Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Week in My Life: Week 17

I don't have many pictures today... This week was incredibly busy for me and I wasn't able to really bring my camera. But I wanted to make sure I posted something at least. Here's what the past week looked like.

We've had a lot more sun than usual this week and we were all pretty excited about it. 

Morning breakfast smoothie: yogurt, spinach, coconut juice, raspberries, and a bit of honey. 

My cork collection is growing. They look pretty in a glass jar.

I made my own vegetable stock this week. The stuff sold in the grocery stores are so salty and I found a way around the salt without decreasing the flavor.

Growing herbs in an apartment that has no southern-facing window is difficult. So... I'm proud that I've been able to keep these alive and growing.

She likes to hide behind our chair on the window ledge. 

For Earth day earlier this week I made an orange-scented vinegar cleaner. It has to sit about two weeks so that the orange scent takes over the clinical-vinegar scent. I can't wait to use it!

I usually get all of my meals from Pinterest or new cookbooks I borrow, so the recipes in my recipe box tend to get neglected. I'd like to goal myself to make as much of the recipes in this box as I can by the end of the year.


  1. Such a pretty kitty.

  2. that is a great idea for a smoothie :D
    so fun that everyone starts making their own cleaning products! my mom recently made her own detergent using lemons and olive oil and it smells delicious! (and it actually works quite good)
