Monday, December 10, 2012

A Week in My Life: Week 28

Hello everyone! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend, full of rest, relaxation and joy. Here's what my past week looked like:

Lounging with my kitty. I got a cold earlier in the week and she kept me company while I napped. 

These two photos are courtesy of my best friend who came to my senior thesis presentations this past week. Needless to say, it was very nerve wracking, but I'm so glad to be through it and over it! My thesis is titled "'Detected with a Critical Eye': An Exploration into Misreading and Communication in Pride and Prejudice."

I got coffee with my two best friends earlier in the week. Whoever made my coffee did an amazing job with this design! 

Both my parents and my friend brought me flowers to my thesis presentation. I combined them in this bouquet!

Enjoying the simple pleasures of life. 

My mother-in-law gave me some beautiful vintage ornaments for our tree! 

Reading Canal House Cooks Every Day (which is amazing!) while eating breakfast. This was my first piece of gluten-free toast and I made Devonshire cream to add with it. SO delicious.


  1. That coffee looks amazing! And congratulations on your presentations! I was really nervous when I did mine last year.

    1. Thank you! Presentations are never easy. The only cure is to know the material! :)

  2. That toast looks yummy... I think I somehow obtained your cold =/

  3. LOVE vintage ornaments! the colors are always so beautiful. :)

  4. Congrats on your thesis! So very exciting and lovely that your friend came and you got flowers! So special!

  5. You might just have the prettiest cat I've ever seen (besides my own two, of course ;) ) xx
